Questionnaire results - pie charts & bar charts
Once we had collected the results of our quetionnaire, my group decided to represent the results as different charts, either pie charts or bar charts, to enable us to clearly interpret our results, and quickly identify what our target audience was looking for.
For example, for question two; "how old are you?" we found that we had asked a large majority of 17 to 20 year olds to complete the questionnaire, with 9 females and 8 males completeing the questionnaire that fit into this age range. This therefore forms the target audience age range of our thriller film. This information has enabled us to see that we need to produce a film which would be certified 15, as an 18 certification would be too high for some members of our target audience, which we cannot exclude from being able to watch the film.
The use of a 15 certification was further enforced through our questionnaire when we saw from the results that the majority of people who responded to the questionnaire preferred to watch films which were certificated 15.
From further research we found that the best location for our thriller film would be an empty field, creating the feeling of isolation and escapism for the audience. This was a positive piece of research for our group as this location is readily available to us, meaning we can produce a film which meets the needs of our target audience.
As well as using bar charts to represent our results, we also chose to use pie charts, as using a range of data representation will ensure that we have clearly understood and interpreted our results as a group.
The results were very effective in helping us form our group narrative, as we decided to use the popular location of an empty field, matched the age of our target audience to the age of our main character to enable empathy and identification, as well as aiming to meet the preferred certification of a 15.
You have made an excellent start in discussing the results that you received from your questionnaires. But you also need to include your other pie charts too