Monday 5 November 2012

Individual storyboards

Individual storyboards for the group narrative

Once we had decided on a group narrative, putting elements of our different ideas together, we individually created storyboards, visually displaying what we believe the final thriller will look like.
My first storyboard displays scenes one to four, idenityfing the way in which I intend to frequently interrupt the images of the young girl walking home, which split second images of the attacker, or clues about his location in comparison to the girl. An examle of this is shown in scene 3, which will focus on the footsteps of the attacker, as he is in quick pursuit of his victim.

The second storyboard which I completed displays the attack scene, and the way that I would like to end the scene, with a close up shot of the baseball bat in the hand of the attacker, foreshadowing future violence rather than showing it.
Through planning out the narrative visually on the storyboard, I was able to see how the scenes would fit together and create an effective final narrative which would build thick tension and suspense for the audience. 

1 comment:

  1. Your individual storyboards demostrates a good understanding of how you visualise your thriller film. You have considered the conventions well too.

    How will this storyboard be used and discussed within your group?
