Monday 5 November 2012

Preliminary task

Preliminary task

As a group, we carried out a preliminary task filming a two minute clip of someone walking into a room, sitting down, and then having a conversation.
Through filming this short clip, we found what difficulties we may face when making our final thrillers, and found ways to make the filming a sucess.
We were able to learn how to film withe certain camera shots, which shots were most effective and appropriate to use within the scene, and we were also able to identify how best to frame the scene, cutting out anything unimportant from the images.
A difficulty which we identified was the barrier of background noise, as members of staff repeatedly walked past the hall as we were filming, muffling the noise that the audience was intended to hear, the conversation between the two characters. We learnt that filming is a drawn out process and it is necessary to re shoot the scenes in which background noise takes over, and blocks out speech.
We also learnt that in order to film a steady shot, a tripod is necessary. When filming with a hand held camera the shot will appear shaky and unprofessional, taking away from suspense that we aim to create in our final thriller film.
While shooting the different parts of the scene, we also found that it is vital to watch the individual shots through once they have been filmed, to ensure that they are the best quality and are appropriate to include in our final sequence.
Appropriate locations are also a key part of the scene, we found. For the sequence to appear realistic the actions and speech taking place must fit the location, and make sense to the audience. For example the converation we filmed for this task was between two students, and in order to match their identity, we filmed the scene in the school hall, as if they had met up for a chat before lessons. If we had filmed this casual conversation in the middle of a field it wouldn't have made sense as a realistic scene to the audience.

While filming the scene, we got to grips with the complicated equipment, learning gradually how to use it. This means that when we come to film our thriller we will not have to waste any time in figuring out how to use the camera and tripod, we will simply be able to spend all of our time filming, focusing on creating the most effective opening sequence that we can.

The lessons that we have learnt in filming the preliminary task will aid us as a group when we are filming our final thriller film. We will know which camera shots are most appropriate, which location is appropriate to the narrative, and to look for ways to combat the barrier of background noise, in order to create the most professional and effective thriller film that we can.
Any of the basic mistakes that we came across will be amended and changed before filming our thriller, and we will also have a better understanding of the way the equipment works.


  1. This post demonstrates a good understanding of the preliminary task and this is because you have referenced your footage well.

    Now aim to include the footage, to support the points that you are making.

  2. This post now demonstrates a good understanding of what the preliminary task is and how it will assist you with planning your own production
