Monday 12 November 2012

Representation of characters

Representation of characters

It is important to have a variety of different characters within a thriller film in order to create diversity within the story line and allows the audience to understand the narrative. Different characters have different roles within the plot, creating the complicated and entertaining story line for the audience to watch.

The main protagonist in the film is our female victim, Caroline, who appears to be around the age of 16. Her age is connoted through her school uniform, as the audience will recognise she is still of school age. Her age matches that of our target audience, allowing them to easily identify, and empathise with them. 'Caroline' will meet the stereotype of a young, white, female victim, a character type which is commonly found in thriller films, such as the Scream film series.
She will have a normal background, coming from a middle class family and good school education, however a past relationship that went sour has caused a series of events that lead to her demise.
'Caroline' is the main protagonist within the narrative as she is the focus of the scene, and the target of the attacker. The audience is intended to sympathise with her and fear for the situation that she is in.

Our main protagonist will be the target of a violent attack by a mystery killer. Our 'attacker' will have a hidden identity in order to create ambiguity and uncertainty surrounding his motives.
As a rejection of the Caroline's affection, the audience will be unaware of his all consuming obsession with her, or the fact that her rejection motivates his violent plans.
His name, age and motives will be hidden to the audience, creating an instant enigma to draw the attention of the audience, as they wonder what is motivating him to stalk this seemingly innocent victim.

The opening sequence will also feature three extras who will play the part of Caroline's friends. They will be seen walking home with her, talking about their plans for the weekend before she leaves them to take the lonely and isolated shortcut home. The audience will not know much information about these characters as they are not important to the plot line, apart from the way in which their absence endangers Caroline's life. The audience knows that if they had walked with her, then Caroline may have found a way to survive the violent situation that she finds herself in. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates good planning skills and this is because you have clearly thought about your characters and how you would like to represent them within your thriller.

    Aim to include still images to support the points that you are making
